Making the world a more beautiful place one tree at a time!
The objective of Plant Health Care is to maintain or improve your tree and shrub’s appearance, vitality and safety using the most cost-effective and environmentally sensitive practices and treatments available. Good News Tree Service, Inc. can monitor and identify problems that may be environmental, cultural or pest related, selecting and utilizing appropriate control measures and evaluating their effectiveness. Trees and shrubs represent a considerable long-term investment in your landscape. With proper care, these plants can provide beautiful surroundings, cooling shade, and many other benefits for decades.
Our approach to plant health care is different than most other companies. Whereas the majority of big name tree services rope people into expensive contracts to treat their plants whether they need it not, and then put pesticides into the environment even if it’s not need, we practice integrated pest management (or IPM). What is IPM?
IPM is a strategy to prevent and suppress pests with minimum impact on human health, the environment and non-target organisms. Moreover, it is a decision-making process that uses regular monitoring to decided if and when treatments are needed to control a pest, then uses various tactics (including non-pesticide techniques) to keep pest numbers low.
Yes, it is true. The tree care company that practices IPM uses less chemicals and thus makes less money, but it’s the right thing to do for our clients monetarily and for the environment, plus we sleep better at night for it.
Why invest in your trees and shrubs through a targeted plant health care program?
- Taking care of your trees and shrubs is being environmentally responsible, since without healthy plants, ALL life on earth will die.
- Investing in plant health care makes economic sense, since studies show that beautiful landscaping increases home values by six percent or more.
- Plant health care improves one’s quality of life. Scientific studies show that people who have a well-maintianed landscape are healthier physically and happier mentally and emotionally. So what have you got to lose?
Symptoms that your trees or shrubs need plant health care treatments including deep root fertilization, insecticides and fungicide include the following:
Light green, yellowish or discolored leaves |
Cracking bark |
Thin foliage or branch die-back |
Dead spots on leaves |
Fewer or smaller leaves than normal |
Wilting of foliage |
Dying back of branches at the tips |
Premature leaf drop |
Holes and sawdust shavings in the trunk trunk |
Short annual twig growth |
Leaves that are curling, look chewed, have holes, colored blotches or spots |
- Abnormal insect activities.
- Molds, mildews or other unusual anomolies on leaves, shoots or flowers.
- When is the best time to do plant health care?
- Whenever your plants need it!
- Since certain treatments are time specific, call Good News Tree Service, Inc. for a free consultation to determine the best time.
What can Good News Tree Service, Inc. offer your trees and shrubs? We offer a full line of plant health care services including…
- Deep root fertilization of shrubs and trees via soil-injection.
- Trunk injection technology of systemic fertilizers, fungicides and insecticides including treatments against bronze birch borer and emerald ash borer beetles.
- Diagnostics of plant health care problems.
- Pesticide applications (including insecticides and fungicides.
- Free analysis of the trees and shrubs on your property.
Our environmentally-friendly policy. Our goal is to use environmentally conscience products and practices at all times, so that we help to maintain and not upset the balance of nature. As such, we use (except on rare occasions) insecticides that target only the pest, such as systemics pesticides (applied via bark sprays and soil drenches) as opposed to foliar sprays. Foliar insecticide sprays tend to kill not only the pests, but beneficial (predatory) insects, as well, such as lady bug and wasps along with pollinating insects (e.g., bees), while systemics do not. We also refuse to use pesticides that harm pollinators such as bees!
When applying foliar fungicides (as opposed to insecticides), GNTS, Inc. sprays only on calm days to avoid drift, and at times when bee activity is non-existent or minimal. If used properly, fungicides will not kill insects (beneficial or otherwise).
Furthermore, our systemic insecticides (in most cases) require only one treatment per season for insect control, while foliar sprays usually require two or three treatments per season for insect control. Systemics may cost a little more up front, but one treatment usually offers season-long control. By contrast, foliars may be cheaper initially, but multiplied by two or three applications, plus the environmental cost of killing beneficial insects and the fact that sprays can drift over onto your neighbor’s property, they can end up costing more in the long run.
We practice integrated pest management practices (or IPM) where we use pesticides only as a last resort, while attempting to mitigate pest problems through other natural, non-chemical means. This means less money for us, but it’s better for the environment in the long run! Being ethical means more to us than chasing after the last dollar!
Common Tree and Shrub Problems For Which We Provide Solutions Include…
- Dogwood anthracnose or leaf blight
- Flowering cherry, crab apple, plum leaf blight and shot hole fungus.
- Drought stress of trees including Douglas-firs, western red-cedar, Oregon white oaks and more. For more info, go to
- Aphids, scales and other piercing-sucking insects on trees and ornamental shrubs.
- Lace bugs on azaleas, rhododendrons, oak trees and more. For more info on lace bugs, go to
- Emerald ash borer.
- Mediterranean oak borer.
- Bronze birch borer.
- Powdery mildew.
- Verticillium wilt on maples.
- Trees suddenly dying. For more info, go to
- Storm-proofing your trees. For more info, go to
We also treat ash trees for emerald ash borer!
For more info on the emerald ash borer, go to
Invest in your trees and shrubs today and see the difference tomorrow!
Call us today to assess the needs of your trees and shrubs at
(503) 789–9881