A Tour of the Sun-Yat Sen Classical Chinese Garden in Vancouver, Canada

The Dr. Sun Yet-Sen Classical Chinese Garden in Vancouver, British Columbia in Canada is the first garden of its kind that was constructed outside of Asia. This exquisite world class garden is similar stylistically to many Japanese gardens, but has its own unique characteristics as you will discover in this video.

Interview of Hoichi Kurisu—Renowned Japanese Garden Designer

Japanese garden architect Hoichi Kurisu has designed and overseen the construction of some of the most notable and top Japanese gardens in the U.S. and elsewhere including the world famous Portland Japanese Garden in Oregon, the Anderson Garden in Illinois, the Frederik Meijer Japanese Garden in Michigan and many others too numerous to mention. In Nathan’s interview of Mr. Kurisu, he discusses what makes Japanese gardens unique and why people are so attracted to them the world over.

Butchart Japanese Garden Tour By a Japanese Style Pruning Expert

The world famous Butchart Gardens of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada contain the second oldest Japanese Gardens in North America and were constructed in 1906. To say they are spectacular is a gross understatement! In this video, a Nathan Lawrence, a professional arborist and expert Japanese style aesthetic pruner, takes you on a tour with commentary of this world class garden. Enjoy!

Oregon Mediterranean Oak Borer Beetle Update—April 4, 2024

The Mediterranean oak borer (MOB) is the latest invasive insect pest to afflict NW Oregon, and this time it is the iconic native Oregon white oak—the crown jewel of this areas deciduous trees. Many of these oak trees are six or more feet in diameter and can be more than 200 years old, yet, believe it or not, the MOB can cause the demise of these majestic giants in only a couple of years. In this video, you will learn the latest up to date intel about the MOB from the state’s top experts, and what you can possibly do to save your oak tree.