Ever been to Madagascar, the earth’s fourth largest island just off the southeastern coast of Africa? Neither have I. But recently I trekked, or more correctly, strolled through the weirdest bunch of trees in my life—a Madagascarian forest. These other-worldly trees, look like come out of sci-fi movie or something. They’re some of the world’s rarest and most endangered trees, and are featured, of all places, at the San Diego Zoo’s Africa Rocks Exhibit.
Please enjoy this brief tour…
The Madagascar Palm
The Healing Moringa Tree
The Ocotillo Tree
The Malagasy Tree Aloe
The Mousetrap Tree
The Elephant Tree
The Albany Cycad Tree (Actually this is native to southern Africa, and extremely endangered—only 60 remaining in the wild.)
Finally, here are some more crazy exotic trees and plants from Madagascar that I’ve failed to identify.
Just to prove I was there, here’s a picture of me.
That’s so interesting that Madagascar has so many unique kinds of trees. People always talk about the wildlife in Madagascar, but it’s cool to know that there are other things to check out there. My husband and I hope to travel there someday, and we may even try a photo tour or something like that!
These trees seemed other-world to me, which is why they fascinated me so much. I wanted to share this experience with others, so I posted these photos.
Love those trees—weird looking but funny in a good way. Indeed, God has a good sense of humor when He made those trees. I’d love to see those fascinating trees in its locality. Madagascar is definitely in my bucket list.
Thanks for sharing.