Category Archives: Tree Care

New Video: City of Tualatin Street Tree Screw-Up—Wrong Tree Wrong Place

City governments all around us are notorious for mandating planting the wrong street trees in the wrong places. The sad thing is that they keep repeating the same mistakes decade after decade resulting in tree roots damaging sidewalk, driveways, utilities, causing pedestrian trip hazards, and tree failures resulting in damaged property including houses and vehicles. Perfectly good trees that have been planted in the wrong places have to be removed costing much money and depriving us of valuable trees necessary for the planet’s survival. Will people ever learn from their mistakes? In this video, we confront this on-going folly and offer some solutions to the problem.

Why Our Native Trees Are Dying—What YOU Need to Know

Many native forest trees are getting stressed and dying all around us. In more than fifty years of working with trees, I have never seen anything like this. What is going on?

The reason numerous native Douglas-firs, western redcedars, true firs, cottonwoods and other trees are looking so sickly and some are dying has to do with water—or the lack thereof. None of us can live very long without water, and we need a regular supply of it to survive. Without that…well, you know what happens. Trees are no different.

Yes, the reason many trees in our region are dying is because they are thirsty. As of the date of this blog post, all of the Willamette Valley in western Oregon is either in a moderate or severe drought ( and

“Drought is a period with reduced precipitation and above average temperatures. Across all Oregon counties, 2013-2015 proved to be record drought years. Although these may be peaks in a drought cycle, trends show increasing average temperatures and decreasing average precipitation. In addition, winter snowpack has been disappearing earlier in the year and the duration of summer weather has been extended” according to the Oregon Department of Forestry’s article entitled “Drought Stress in Conifers” published in February 2019 ( The same article goes on to say that…

Drought conditions create water stress inside the tree and can reduce growth or cause mortality. Tree water stress is an internal shortage of water that occurs whenever water loss exceeds uptake long enough to cause plant damage or disturb physiological processes.

Drought damage in trees is due to one or all of the following factors:

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Tree “Hugging” Is Biblical

Nathan “loving” on a giant black cottonwood tree along the Willamette River

Deuteronomy 20:19, Do not destroy its trees. In its commentary on this passage, A Torah Commentary For Our Times states, “While the commandment deals specifically with cutting down trees during a siege, Jewish interpreters extend it to cover all forms of wasteful destruction under the principle of bal tashchit, or ‘do not destroy’ … [all w]asteful destruction is condemned. ‘Anyone who deliberately breaks dishes, tears clothing, wrecks a building, clogs up a fountain, or wastes food violates the law of bal tashchit’” (various rabbinical sources are cite vol. 3, p. 143). 

In Genesis 2:15, Elohim (God) commissioned Adam and Eve to “tend/dress and keep the garden.” The word tend literally means “to serve, work, dress, labor”in the sense of a servant or stewardThe word keep means “to observe, guard, watch over, or preserve.” This was one of Elohim’s first Torah-commands to humans—to take care of or nurture the planet. Gardening is the oldest and noblest profession and was given to man by Elohim. Caring for trees and plants is a major aspect of this.

Do you view yourself as a steward with a divine mandate to help preserve, watch over, and guard all that YHVH has given you responsibility over including your body, your marriage, your children, your gifts and talents, your car, your job, your home and garden and everything else in your life? Do you view doing this as a good witness to those around you, as leaving a legacy for future generations, and as glorifying your Father in heaven?

Why deep root fertilize your trees and shrubs?

There are several reasons why deep root fertilizing your ornamental trees and shrubs is a good thing. It’s less expensive to treat or fertilize an ailing plant than to remove and replace it, and lose the monetary and aesthetic value that large, established trees or shrubs give to your home.

Regular fertilizing means healthy trees and shrubs that are more able to tolerate environmental stresses and resist pests.

Plants use large quantities of nitrogen to produce lush and green ­foliage. Leaf litter is a natural source of nitrogen, but is removed in well-manicured gardens, thus removing a main source of nitrogen. Fertilizing replenishes this lost nitrogen.

Most trees and shrubs are located in heavy and compacted urban soils that have been stripped of topsoil and are low in organic matter and ­fertility. This stresses plants and regular fertilization through hydraulic pressure replenishes depleted soils and helps to fracture compacted soil, thus facilitating the movement of nutrients through the soil to the tree’s roots.

What are the symptoms that your trees or shrubs have a problem and could benefit from fertilization?

  • Light green, yellowish or discolored leaves
  • Thin foliage or branch die-back
  • Fewer or smaller leaves than normal
  • Dying back of branches and the tips
  • Bore holes and sawdust shavings
  • Cracking bark
  • Dead spots on leaves
  • Wilting foliage
  • Premature leaf drop
  • Short annual twig growth

When is the best time to fertilize?

Plants will benefit from fertilization almost anytime of the year as long as soil temperatures are above 40° to 45°F. Typically, spring and fall are the best times to fertilize. Spring fertilization targets feeding leaves, fruits and flowers, while fall fertilization targets feeding roots systems.

What can Good News Tree Service, Inc. offer your trees and shrubs?

  • GNTS offers a full line of plant health care services including
  • Deep root fertilization of shrubs and trees via soil-injection
  • Diagnostics of plant health care problems
  • Pesticide applications (including insecticides and fungicides)
  • Free analysis of the trees and shrubs on your property

The Fertilizing System We Use

We inject liquid fertilizer into the plant’s root zone through hydraulic pressure making it immediately available for uptake unlike typical means of fertilization such as spreading granuilar fertilizer by hand.

Our standard fertilizer includes complete fertilizer (N, P, K) including 40% slow release nitrogen, (and in the spring, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Ca). Into this we also add 100% organic soil amendments including amino-acids root stimulator to promote nutrient absorption, and stimulate plant metabolism, at the same time encouraging the growth of soil microorganisms to replenish soils depleted of organic matter, thus improving poor subsoil conditions and reducing compaction.

Extremely stressed plants also receive an all-natural liquid biological fungicide, which helps to suppress a broad range of important soil-borne and foliar diseases. These live fungi will multiply in the soil and will fight harmful disease pathogens long after the initial application. This, along with added mychorrhizae fungi, will strengthen the tree’s natural defense mechanisms and stimulate root growth. 

Invest in your trees and shrubs today…and see the difference tomorrow!

Call us today or email us today for a free analysis of your trees & shrubs with a price quote to fertilize or to treat them against pests:

Phone (503) 682-9466

Why Do Mature Trees Suddenly Die?

Why did my mature conifer (cone bearing) or deciduous (trees that lose their leaves in the fall) trees suddenly die? Arborists often get asked this question by grieving tree owners. This question deserves a serious answer, since an unbreakable bond exists between humans and trees, and when that link is unexpectedly broken, there are negative consequences for humans and the environment. This is because trees have such a large impact on our lives and often impact all types of human activities. Moreover, whether we are consciously aware of it or not, our lives are intertwined with trees, and even depend upon them for our survival, and when we lose them there are economic, social and cultural, emotional and environmental consequences. If we understand why trees die, maybe we can proactively help to keep them alive.

So why do trees die? And if we understand the reasons why they die, perhaps through wise and knowledgeable actions on our part, we can help to keep the trees in our lives alive longer. After all, as caretakers of this planet, it is our responsibility to care for the small piece of real estate over which we’ve been given stewardship including the trees on it. Face it, the simple fact is that without trees, all animal and human life will die!

With these things in mind, many years ago, as a tree care professional—in the industry, we’re called arborists—I felt that I was taking out too many trees that I knew were savable. Therefore, I rolled up my sleeves and got the necessary education, credentials, licenses and then purchased the equipment to begin providing plant health care services in my tree care company. Since then, I have saved hundreds, if not thousands of trees from their demise. This has been a rewarding activity for me on many levels.

But along the way, I have found that there is a belief among many of my clients that all trees have a life span and eventually grow old and die. For many people, this seems to explain why their yard tree suddenly died. Yet, in my decades as an arborist, I have found this belief usually to be unfounded. Since there are so many variable factors that contribute to tree mortality, it’s often not easy to determine why a tree has died without conducting extensive and costly forensics. Suffice it to say, many of the factors listed below combine to stress a tree, and if the tree doesn’t possess a sufficient reserve of stored energy to combat its stressors, it will eventually succumb to these stressors. Almost everything that a tree does is in slow motion. It grows slowly, its metabolic processes occur slowly and it usually dies slowly as well. On occasion, a tree dies quickly (in a few weeks or months), but this is rare. Like the rest of us, a tree has a strong survival instinct and wants to live. In fact, it contains many built in mechanisms to insure that it survives come what may. So to say that a tree has a certain life span and then it just dies is a misnomer. True, some trees are able to live for hundreds, even thousands of years, while other trees are relatively short lived, by comparison. But under the right conditions and with the right care, nearly any tree you plant in your yard can outlive you and probably your grandchildren too.

The Reasons Trees Die

So now let’s discuss why trees. The following is a list of some of the more common reasons of tree mortality.

Drought. Like humans and all animal life, plants need water to survive. No water, no life. Trees suck up an immense amount of water out of the soil on a continual basis, especially during the growing season. If they don’t obtain the water they need, the go into stress mode. If this continues long enough, they will slowly die of thirst.

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Video: Hinoki Cypress Pruned in the Japanese Niwaki Style

The hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa), a native of Japan, is a popular garden tree in the Pacific Northwest. I aesthetically prune dozens of them each year for many clients. There are many ways to prune them improperly (e.g. shearing, pom-pom style, and hacking), but the best way to do it correctly is to work with nature by pruning them in a way that facilitates their natural growing habits, and in a way that accentuates their natural structure and beauty. The Japanese pruning techniques of bonsai and niwaki are what inform and inspire my style of pruning. This tree took me about an hour and a half to prune out. Had this been done by a Japanese pruning master, they might have spent a day or two on it. Unfortunately, it’s not in most people’s budgets to pay an arborist-pruner that amount of money; therefore, we have to do it quickly and affordably. We hope this video inspires you!

Video: De-Squarifying a Sheared Camellia

In our profession as aesthetic pruner-arborists, too often we encounter shrubs and shrub-trees that have been improperly pruned. Often they’re pruned (sheared) into geometric shapes like cubes, spheres, rectangles, pyramids, cones or even lollipops. I call this cubistic pruning—like cubistic art, if you can even call it art. Often a client will move into a home where the plants have been pruned in this manner by the previous owners, and the new owners want to restore the plant to its natural shape; they want to de-sqaurify, de-spherify, de-conify it, if you will. This often can be done, but a tree can’t be transformed from a geometric shape to its natural form overnight. It may take a few years of corrective or restorative pruning to accomplish this. In this video, we will demonstrate the first step taken to de-squarify a camellia that has been pruned and sheared for years into a cube shape. Please enjoy.